

The Start
Starting his career as a Johnnie Ray impersonator, Johnny was quick to take advantage of the new music called Rock'n'Roll.
The Good Times
From his first release in 1958, Johnny became the first Hit Parade idol in Australia.
The Hard Times
The horrific car accident in 1960 was the event that started what many say was his eventual downfall.
'Six O'Clock Rock' brought the 1st stars of OZ Rock to the masses.
The Hits
The Hit after hit, from Real Wild Child to Australia's most well known hit, 'Shout'!

Lots of goodies to help you live the
'Good Old Days of Rock'n'Roll'

Photo Gallery
A selection showing J.O'K. and some of his peers,

How and who makes the J.O'K Legend live on and on..

Friends of J.O'K
Lots of interactive stuff..
Interactive area